Sprachtrainer Step 2: How to study my words?
You have now done your assigned reading. You have looked up many words using Leo.org while signed in and you have saved the words by clicking the disk symbol to the left of the word. Now you want to study the words.
Ideally, you will download the LEO Smartphone App to add words while reading, add words while in class, and study the words quickly and effectively walking around campus. But you will need to set up a few things using the standard web version of LEO first.
Click the “Trainer” link at the top of the screen (see below). This brings you to the homepage of the Sprachtrainer.
Then select “Edit word lists” (Vokabeln verwalten) at top in the middle.
On the next screen you will sort your words into individual lists. (You can also get to this screen by clicking “Manage Vocabulary” (Gespeicherte Vokabeln sortieren) on the main dictionary screen.)
Give the new list a name like “Liste 1” or “GERM1051-1”.
Save it by clicking “Speichern” at the bottom.
Studying Words
Ideally, you will download the LEO Smartphone App to add words while reading, add words while in class, and study the words quickly and effectively walking around campus. Using the App is the cleanest way to studying the words with the fewest amount of clicks.
Below are the instructions for using the web browser version. To study them in the web browser version, click the pencil at the left, “Einprägen/Abfragen” (Review/Learn).
Vokabel-Slideshow : passively learn the vocabulary while it flips the cards for you on a timer. (less useful)
Vokabelkarten : traditional flashcard program where you click to learn the words. (more useful)
Memory : a standard Memory game where you must remember where word and definition are. (okay)
Buchstabensalat : like Selbstkontrolle, but you type in the words as given to you in mixed up form (okay, but only in Eng->Ger mode)
Zuordnen : like the memory game, but in list form (good)
Schreiben (Write): like Buchstabensalat, but here you have to type the word with gender without any help (great)
Fehler korrigieren : correct the spelling mistakes (good when first learning the words, and only in Eng->Ger mode)
Diktat (Dictation): broken. I don’t think it works correctly. (bad)