- Beispiel
- Anweisungen
- Endprodukt
- Aufgaben
At the beginning of this course, you will be subtitling a video clip that we will use later in the semester. See an example of what a final product will look like:
Below is an episode of Entweder Broder. This video and audio was already available at YouTube. Through a process that I will explain below, I added German subtitles. I want you to begin the video and then follow the directions below to see the subtitles.
Now that the video is playing, you will not see any subtitles. My German subtitles only begin at 2:55. To see them, I want you to:
- click on the “CC” button at the bottom right
- select “German” (if it gives you the option)
- then scroll the video along the bottom left to the time marker 2:55 to see the subtitles as the men are speaking.
In total, I added subtitles for 2:55 to 5:48, roughly three minutes.
Now, I want you to rewatch a segment of the video within that time frame, and switch the subtitling on and off.
- While the video is running, click on the CC button
- select “Turn Captions Off”. You will notice the subtitles disappear seamlessly without the video halting.
- Now turn it back on to see how easy it is to switch back and forth.
What will you need to do?
You will need to download any video downloader to save a YouTube video onto your computer (possibly the Firefox add-on Download Helper). You should then use the video downloader to download the video segment assigned to you at the links below.
You will need to watch a tutorial video on how to use the program YouTube’s subtitling section under the options for the video that you upload. These are readily available on YouTube. The two I referenced were:
Das Endprodukt
Upload your video onto YouTube.
- Log in to YouTube.
- Click on the Upload button at top to upload the clip that you previously downloaded.
Add the captions/subtitles to this video
- Click on Video Manager under the menu at top right,
- You should see the video that you uploaded.
- Click on the arrow next to “Edit”
- Select “Captions”
- Select the language as German.
- Start typing and matching the German with the soundtrack.
If you’re original video had English subtitles, you want to download the English subtitles from the original video and upload those as “English” captions to this same new video you’ve now uploaded. Now you will have both your German and English captions as options for subtitles.
Aufgabe für German 408 (Spring 2015)
1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gwdy_GAPBJQ Kanak TV-Weißes Ghetto- already has English subitles (0:30-6:57) [Jackie & Micah & Jessica]
2. http://youtu.be/HkyAuQEs9Xk Kanak TV-Schland ist das Land (0-5:00) [Will & Madison]
3. http://youtu.be/lATAQ2pD04Q Judenschublade (0:10-5:21) [Jimmy & Sarah]
4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IXhHowcoyOE Oliver Polak, (Fatma) [Kyle & Derek]
5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZ3dNLEoxHc Kiez IX Monatsschau – Mama und Ela (0:27-5:43) [Shirley & Kate]
6. http://youtu.be/83Kbxqd1ETo Kiez IX Monatsschau – Das Ende (0-4:25) [Katie & Anne]
Aufgabe für German 470 (Fall 2013)
Zuerst sollen Sie wissen, dass Sie nicht alle Untertitel vom Hören allein tippen müssen. Sie arbeiten an den folgenden Szenen mit Hilfe des Buches Entweder Broder – Die Deutschland Safari, ISBN 978-3813504217. Da gibt’s eine vereinfachte Version der Konversationen. Sie können diesen Text als die Grundlage für Ihre Untertiteln benutzen, aber Sie müssen immer noch viel ändern. Auf Blackboard sind folgende Auszüge:
- Frau Schram. Die Polit-Putze, S. 24-33
- Happy Holocaust, S. 34-45
- Arbeit macht frei. Über die Integration der toten Juden, S. 138-143
- Burka-Verbot für Juden über 60, S. 172-185
Diese Kapiteln beziehen sich auf die folgenden Minuten in diesen Links.
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9guGf0qm44 (7:00-13:15) [Keywan und Broque]
2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POMiLSd3UbU (1:03-3:10, 7:18-9:06) [Abby und Anusha]
3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbO9QlQeW5Y (0-4:58) [Justin und Tina]
4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cWiNBxM13Bk (1:08-5:34) [Fabian und Quinton]
Type the text given to you from the book Entweder Broder first as a basis.
Since the text isn’t exact, work on improving the text to match what is actually said.
You don’t have to get every word or even every sentence. With captions, sometimes it’s hard for a reader to read fast speech. Pick and choose, if need be. But overall, the meaning of a segment should still be clear.